Monday, December 20, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Dreams are made out of a hope for tommorrow
They sustains you for that moment
But can't keep you there for long
Dreams need a driving force to make it happen
They need to be expressed, not compressed
Fulfilled desires brings joy to hearts
Dreams need to be carried by God to their destinations
They are too big for our minute minds
Too strong for our feeble knees
Dreams are God-given abilities to see the future
They are paintings to be completed by God and us
Our dreams in God creates master pieces so priceless!
They sustains you for that moment
But can't keep you there for long
Dreams need a driving force to make it happen
They need to be expressed, not compressed
Fulfilled desires brings joy to hearts
Dreams need to be carried by God to their destinations
They are too big for our minute minds
Too strong for our feeble knees
Dreams are God-given abilities to see the future
They are paintings to be completed by God and us
Our dreams in God creates master pieces so priceless!
Back from camp....
Hmm.. just came back from camp last week... ya.. it's the annual youth camp. Guess it's just a bit different from the previous camps... I went with a heart to give, not so much as to receive. One of the things I find myself receiving much more is in the area of my members. Some of them just gave me surprises that I never thought it would come from them. This camp has drawn me closer to some of them and allow me to see them in a different perspective. Well.. I love them and really find joy in seeing them loving the Lord passionately and breaking through in their struggles. One of the testimonies I heard in cell group today was such an encouragement. There was this person in the cell group who has been having difficulty coming out of computer games. I have been trying to help this person for a while and guess wat, this person receive the baptism of the holy spirit during the camp and thereafter, has not felt the urge the play computer games! Ever since he came back from the camp, he has been doing his devotion faithfully. Our cell group also has an addition over the weekend. Serene joined us for oikos last sat and cell group just now... I think we all enjoyed the cell group just now...
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I'm giving my all to You
A week long of struggle with wat my heart wills to do against wat my flesh desires... It's not by might nor by power but by the spirit of God! He is teaching me the power of surrender and the strength of humility. The greater the degree of humility the greater the strength to overcome. Once again, it's another art in our christian journey. The art of surrender...
My maiden dance at Allan and Shona's wedding last sat seems to give me a deeper insight in the beauty of God once again. Well, I was really nervous before the whole thing, thinking that I would end up messing up people's wedding... Somehow when i was standing before the congregation, I felt the peace of God and the attention to how man look at me just turn to how my God, my great romancer sees me. I remember just not long ago, He spoke to me about the stage that He has given to us all and that He is the only one we are to perform to and the only One who would give us all the attention we need. I really enjoy myself tremendously cos I felt that I was dancing for my great romancer, worshipping Him for who He really is. Throwing away all the excessive baggage and follow His dance steps.... I guess that is true freedom... to be able to be yourself before Him...
Lord... I'm giving my all to You to be who You want me to be. Craft me into Your likeness, grant me the courage to be the one I am made to be!
My maiden dance at Allan and Shona's wedding last sat seems to give me a deeper insight in the beauty of God once again. Well, I was really nervous before the whole thing, thinking that I would end up messing up people's wedding... Somehow when i was standing before the congregation, I felt the peace of God and the attention to how man look at me just turn to how my God, my great romancer sees me. I remember just not long ago, He spoke to me about the stage that He has given to us all and that He is the only one we are to perform to and the only One who would give us all the attention we need. I really enjoy myself tremendously cos I felt that I was dancing for my great romancer, worshipping Him for who He really is. Throwing away all the excessive baggage and follow His dance steps.... I guess that is true freedom... to be able to be yourself before Him...
Lord... I'm giving my all to You to be who You want me to be. Craft me into Your likeness, grant me the courage to be the one I am made to be!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Tug of War
Deep in my soul
There's a tug of war
I struggle to know what life is for
I try so hrad to stay in control
To hold back the tears
And to not let go
I dun know why
I hang on so long
When I know the question
You were asking me
Will you worship
Will you bow down
Will you give me your heart and everything
Lord, only You know the deepest struggles within. I need You more than anything else.... Going deep with You requires a greater degree of surrender. I need Your grace.... Guess I need to see things in a different light in order to enjoy more freedom cos no one who lives on this earth is free from pain and struggle. I can't say it's a struggle but I know God is doing a deep work in my life once again. I have always told the Lord that I want to love and to bring His love to people around me. I slowly begin to realise that love is not cheap. To love a person requires wholesomeness on our part. That's why the bible says that a wounded heart cannot reach God. Guess as a result of my prayer and desire, God has been healing me very deeply so that the well of His love will be full in my life that I can bring it to people. In the midst of the process, I may not have shown enough love to people as it can be draining to face your wounds. It zaps your strength to give love.
There was another breakthrough last friday during prayer meeting for me. Found back wat real passion means, get on with my prophetic intercessory gift, reaching out to the unreached.... It's real passion that is not contented with status quo but accompanying action. The Lord spoke to me about letting a shout of victory just like the Isrealites did after seven rounds of marching around Jericho wall. It's time to act!
Monday, November 08, 2004
It's not suppose to be this way!
It's not suppose to be this way Lord!
There is more than freedom to dream
Freedom to love and be loved
Freedom to seek and to be found
More than a passion
Strength to put feet to the dreams You've given
Lord, You lead us through the seasons of life
Help us to be sensitive to your leading....
There is more than freedom to dream
Freedom to love and be loved
Freedom to seek and to be found
More than a passion
Strength to put feet to the dreams You've given
Lord, You lead us through the seasons of life
Help us to be sensitive to your leading....
There is an appointed time for everything.
And there is a time for every event under heaven--
A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.
A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent and a time to be silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace.
What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils?
I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves.
Eccl 3:1-10
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Torn apart . unfulfilled goals . inadequacies . reasonings . feel like crying . impatience . pain . status quo . missed . longing to be found . high mountains impossible to climb . accepted and to accept. why like that? .
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, For My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I would rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Cor 12:9
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, For My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I would rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Cor 12:9
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Christy's birthday

The shots here are taken on the 30 Oct when we celebrated Christy's one and only 21st birthday. It's rather an unforgetable nite for Christy I guess and a moment in time where our friendship deepens a little bit more with all that... you know wat I mean Christy..... Really appreciate this friendship that the Lord has brought together with you and Shujun...
God brought friends together not to see through each other but to see each other through
Monday, November 01, 2004
Monday, October 25, 2004
True satisfaction of dreams comes when you translate that mental picture into action...
I long for the freedom within me to do that.... Dreams remain dreams when there is no thought of action to fulfil it... It brings frustration and deep sense of disatisfaction. Creative expressions of my dreams through songs and dance, through the art of love and the joy of giving. Freedom to dream and to fulfil the dreams that He has laid on my heart.
I long for the freedom within me to do that.... Dreams remain dreams when there is no thought of action to fulfil it... It brings frustration and deep sense of disatisfaction. Creative expressions of my dreams through songs and dance, through the art of love and the joy of giving. Freedom to dream and to fulfil the dreams that He has laid on my heart.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Touched By Your Grace
You took my unworthiness
You restore my brokenness
You gave hope to my shattered dreams
Brought meaning to every pain
You called me by my name
You gave my life a plan
That I might see each day I live
Counts b’cos of Your Grace
Lord Jesus, You are the treasure of my heart
My song and strength in my darkest night
Lord Jesus, You are the real joy giver
You dance with me, rejoice with me on the highest mountain
And I am forever amaze by You
Touched by Your Grace
When I look at the stars in the sky
The sun that rises from the east
It reminds me of Your promises
And Your faithfulness endures till the end
Dreams that You’ve laid on my heart
Songs that You gave me to sing
They are trails to remind me of
Your well of grace never runs dry
Repeat chorus
And I am amazed
Touched by Your grace
Be still my soul
And know that You are God.
You restore my brokenness
You gave hope to my shattered dreams
Brought meaning to every pain
You called me by my name
You gave my life a plan
That I might see each day I live
Counts b’cos of Your Grace
Lord Jesus, You are the treasure of my heart
My song and strength in my darkest night
Lord Jesus, You are the real joy giver
You dance with me, rejoice with me on the highest mountain
And I am forever amaze by You
Touched by Your Grace
When I look at the stars in the sky
The sun that rises from the east
It reminds me of Your promises
And Your faithfulness endures till the end
Dreams that You’ve laid on my heart
Songs that You gave me to sing
They are trails to remind me of
Your well of grace never runs dry
Repeat chorus
And I am amazed
Touched by Your grace
Be still my soul
And know that You are God.
The beauty of His Love
He is my song in the darkest night, my dance partner on the high mountain. I am amaze by His love for me. The love of christ upon our lives is the most perfect picture of beauty one could ever paint. If we are seeking for what real beauty means, just ponder on the love of God.
The Lord brings this revelation of beauty to me today. Seriously, I have never look at the love of God as the perfect illustration of beauty. Many says that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... however, I see it differently now.. The measuring rod of beauty is the love of Christ. The love of God is able to cast out all fear... the love of God empowers, the love of God brings acceptance.... the love of God covers a multitude of sins... The love of God is beauty... When one is touched by the power of His love, His love will beautify the person inside out!
It's really great to be in love with Him all over again... Our love relationship has matured over the past months of storms and uncertainty, fears and pain. Pain has taught me God's love.... I need to be beautify by His love continually cos it is every bride's desire to look the best before her groom.
The Lord brings this revelation of beauty to me today. Seriously, I have never look at the love of God as the perfect illustration of beauty. Many says that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... however, I see it differently now.. The measuring rod of beauty is the love of Christ. The love of God is able to cast out all fear... the love of God empowers, the love of God brings acceptance.... the love of God covers a multitude of sins... The love of God is beauty... When one is touched by the power of His love, His love will beautify the person inside out!
It's really great to be in love with Him all over again... Our love relationship has matured over the past months of storms and uncertainty, fears and pain. Pain has taught me God's love.... I need to be beautify by His love continually cos it is every bride's desire to look the best before her groom.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Art of Love
Loving God equates to loving myself healtily and loving others passionately. I've made a discovery this morning that wat the Lord was doing in my life since the last weekend was actually an answer to my cry since the beginning of the year. I told the Lord that this year the thing I desire most is that I will learn to love Him, love myself and love others in a different way. Well... a whole bulk of the year has gone thinking that it should be on the list of my next new year resolution again... hmm...
Loving God means to be vulnerable to Him. When we come to the state of vulnerabilty, that is when the our heart is soft for Him to speak and to leave an eternal footprint. Eh... I am not so comfortable with this state of vulnerabilty after all.. It makes me very fearful of pain ... well that leads me to the next part - loving myself... The closeness and intimacy with God reveals much of my needs and my struggle with acceptance. Can I love myself enough to accept my need? Am I able to face my lack and inadequacies without dispising myself? That is art... acceptance is an art... it is from my point of view. I don't deny my struggles but I am not afraid to face them now... I need to move on... I need to be healed to move on... My latter journey won't allow me carry this baggage with me I suppose.... It a choice.... It's tough only if my flesh still fights for it's prominence. The power of surrender releases the strength...the strength to move on.... the strength to love others...
Lord, help me not to hold back this love You have showered upon my life... Let it flow to areas that are hurting in my heart so that out of my heart will release the ability to receive Love and to love others passionately....
Loving God means to be vulnerable to Him. When we come to the state of vulnerabilty, that is when the our heart is soft for Him to speak and to leave an eternal footprint. Eh... I am not so comfortable with this state of vulnerabilty after all.. It makes me very fearful of pain ... well that leads me to the next part - loving myself... The closeness and intimacy with God reveals much of my needs and my struggle with acceptance. Can I love myself enough to accept my need? Am I able to face my lack and inadequacies without dispising myself? That is art... acceptance is an art... it is from my point of view. I don't deny my struggles but I am not afraid to face them now... I need to move on... I need to be healed to move on... My latter journey won't allow me carry this baggage with me I suppose.... It a choice.... It's tough only if my flesh still fights for it's prominence. The power of surrender releases the strength...the strength to move on.... the strength to love others...
Lord, help me not to hold back this love You have showered upon my life... Let it flow to areas that are hurting in my heart so that out of my heart will release the ability to receive Love and to love others passionately....
Monday, October 18, 2004
A different path...
It's tough having to learn to denial yourself, pick up the cross and follow Him. However, it is only tough and painful when our flesh is still alive, fighting for its prominence in this insignificance inhabitation. I need strength to go on... need courage to face myself... I am serious about it.. no more wilderness.. Why din I come to this place earlier? Well, the process of journeying to this place has taught me much. I remember as a young christian the Lord speak to me from the book of Isaiah that He is going to lead me in ways I have never known and paths I have never been before. I have a different path to travel on, a differnt pair of shoes to accompany the journey. The journey came to a point of great pain and struggle.. I am letting it go now. I choose to surrender so that pain will cease and strength revive.
Looking forward to the prize set before me... looking forward to the promises He gave... Trusting in His Love
Surrounded by the crowd of witnesses
Gone before us in the race already won
Challenged by their unduanted spirit,
Not looking back at the bridges already burnt
Your love is their strength
Your promises are their hope
With complete trust,
they continued on with full assurance of an eternal destiny
You are their song in the darkest night,
Their dance steps on the high mountain
Not forsaken by your gentle whispher when strayed
Not without Your comfort when hurt
Your unfailing love motivates a weary heart
Your strong arms supports a feeble knee
You are forever faithful....
I will trust!
With Love,
Your beloved
Looking forward to the prize set before me... looking forward to the promises He gave... Trusting in His Love
Surrounded by the crowd of witnesses
Gone before us in the race already won
Challenged by their unduanted spirit,
Not looking back at the bridges already burnt
Your love is their strength
Your promises are their hope
With complete trust,
they continued on with full assurance of an eternal destiny
You are their song in the darkest night,
Their dance steps on the high mountain
Not forsaken by your gentle whispher when strayed
Not without Your comfort when hurt
Your unfailing love motivates a weary heart
Your strong arms supports a feeble knee
You are forever faithful....
I will trust!
With Love,
Your beloved
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Erm... the thought of change would probably put some people off... It means doing things differently, responding to things in a different way, getting your butts off your comfort zone and all that you can whine about to procastinate change. Well, like i say.... it will put some people off.... however, there are others who views change in a different light. To move on to a higher profile means we need to do things differently and that is change. Changes precede growth.
It's time for some changes to see myself take on a higher platform. A different approach to my fears, a different response system... It's time....
It's time for some changes to see myself take on a higher platform. A different approach to my fears, a different response system... It's time....
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Footprints in the sand
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticedthat it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one setof footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied,"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I Carried You."
"I think it takes a deep, spiritual encounter with the cross before we're really qualified to call ourselves missionaries." ~ Elizabeth Elliot
The toughest jounrney in life is the road to discipleship. A journey of self-denial and surrender. I know God is teaching me the art of completing this journey well, not merely starting it with zeal. It's tough... my interests conflict with His... Yet there is a cry within me to want to go deeper with Him.
The toughest jounrney in life is the road to discipleship. A journey of self-denial and surrender. I know God is teaching me the art of completing this journey well, not merely starting it with zeal. It's tough... my interests conflict with His... Yet there is a cry within me to want to go deeper with Him.
Monday, October 11, 2004
FriEnDs aRe GiFts FrOm GOD!

At different junctions in our lives, friends play different roles. In our younger days, friends are probably just playmates and somewone whom we can whine about the teachers that we don't like, the lessons we dread most and all that stuff that could trouble that small world of ours. Gradually, friends begin to play a bigger role than playmates. They are important catalyst in our pursuits in life... We share our dreams and passion... our plans in life.... They become the pillars in our lives, our support when we are too weak to go on, our watchmen to remind us when the day breaks and it's time to move on in life after a long night of pain and sorrow...
Friends are given to be cherished. I thank God for the friends He has given me. I am still learning how to be a good friend especially to the ones that are closest to my heart. Pray that God will bind this friendship with His unfailing love....
Friday, October 08, 2004
More of You, Lord
Lord I surrender my will to You
Lead me in the way everlasting
Let there be more of You
Less of myself
More of Your love
Less of my self-pity
More of Your presence
Less of the desires of the world
More of Your mercy and grace
that I might give to others
Another glimpse of the cross
that I would see less pain
in the things I am learning to walk through
Help me to understand
Your will for my life
Loving You
Your beloved
Lead me in the way everlasting
Let there be more of You
Less of myself
More of Your love
Less of my self-pity
More of Your presence
Less of the desires of the world
More of Your mercy and grace
that I might give to others
Another glimpse of the cross
that I would see less pain
in the things I am learning to walk through
Help me to understand
Your will for my life
Loving You
Your beloved
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
The Dance
It's an amazing experience with the great romancer of my life. My great romancer spoke to me bout the stage that He has set for me and He wants to be my only audience. He invites me to the stage to dance with Him and calligraph a dance together with Him. As I follow His dance steps and melody, I will be able to dance gracefully.
I felt it was a refreshed vision of His love for me... I guess my preoccupation with other "audiences" has tired me out and deprived me of enjoying His attention to me... I realise that there can be many "audiences" that we have to try to perform to in life... our career, ministry, friends, people that matters to us and the list goes on. Many times none of these audience are appreciative of wat we have done for them on the stage, leaving us discouraged and dejected. Yet, we seldom give up easily pursuing their praises and applauses. In contrast, our pursuit of our great romancer doesn't reflect that ardent perseverence so often. It leaves me wondering what lies beneath His love for me that He would be willing to keep waiting for me each time when I wondered away. Each time I fall back into His arms, I felt His love gripped me tighter, as if assuring me that no matter how many times I failed, His love and grace will increase with every fall.
All of us has a stage and are made for that one audience who is also the script writer and director. It is only when we perform for Him that we can find all the attention that we yearned for given to us exclusively.....
I felt it was a refreshed vision of His love for me... I guess my preoccupation with other "audiences" has tired me out and deprived me of enjoying His attention to me... I realise that there can be many "audiences" that we have to try to perform to in life... our career, ministry, friends, people that matters to us and the list goes on. Many times none of these audience are appreciative of wat we have done for them on the stage, leaving us discouraged and dejected. Yet, we seldom give up easily pursuing their praises and applauses. In contrast, our pursuit of our great romancer doesn't reflect that ardent perseverence so often. It leaves me wondering what lies beneath His love for me that He would be willing to keep waiting for me each time when I wondered away. Each time I fall back into His arms, I felt His love gripped me tighter, as if assuring me that no matter how many times I failed, His love and grace will increase with every fall.
All of us has a stage and are made for that one audience who is also the script writer and director. It is only when we perform for Him that we can find all the attention that we yearned for given to us exclusively.....
Monday, September 20, 2004
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