Sunday, March 06, 2005

The quest for His approval

A recent victory over a struggle reminds me of the mission trip to Philippines I went a few years ago. What challenges me most is not anything spiritual but the MOUNTAINS 2 philipines! It was like so tough having to hike through the mountain under the hot sun and with constant fear of whether you will make it alive. After each mountain conquest, you will feel such a sense of victory and achievement that you've made it somehow and the comfort that comes with knowing that God has been there. More than those, it is the approval you felt from God that you have made it through trusting in Him.

Recently I din't climb any physical mountain but I had a spiritual mountain to conquer. Somewhere last week, I just felt so defeated to go on. It's equivalent to climbing the mountain in philippines where it seems neverending and stretches you to the core of your bones. You can't give up cos you are already half way through but going on is going to be real tough. Either ways, you wonder if you can ever make it. Any way, when I finally conquer that mountain, I was brought back to the times in philippines where I felt great that i have made it through the challenge. God is reminding me of His faithfulness. I feel like a small girl, innocently happy over the fact that you daddy is pleased that you've done him something he can be proud of! the quest for God's approval...

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