Friday, March 25, 2005

Boredom - Part 2

I am in my office now.. blogging... Yesh... I am bored! But thank God I brought my book to read today. Sham is equally bored as I can see but he seems pretty fine with it. Actually I am quite tired cos I din really sleep the past two nights. I was preparing for my project presentation last night til 4 plus in the morning. Manage to finish one post card design which I am pretty satisfied with... Gotta send for printing once I am done with my other master pieces. Thinking if I should go for design courses to further enhance my skills in this aspect but plans to further my studies will be more concretise once I settled down in my first permenant job.

Just got another appointment with a design company for an interview. This time the designation is sales designer. Well.... the Lord knows wat I need and desire.... The bible says if we ask God for a fish, He would not give us snake and if we ask Him for bread, He would not give us stone. Seems that I am seeing God's favour upon my life throughout the whole process of job hunting. Besides boredom, I am doing pretty fine in my work so far... the amazing thing is that doors begin to open ever since I started work on Monday. Getting closer to the ideal job that I long for.... well... I've got to prepare my portfolio for both the interviews next week... and be very sure that I give my best go... The rest is in His hands!

It's Good Friday tomorrow. It's amazing how the Lord brough back someone whom I have not been in contact for a while. She called me up last sat, seemingly needing some help. I've yet to get hold of her and have a good talk with this sister. Pray that she will be able to make it for the easter rally.

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